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Hi, I'm Jill!

I started Wild Soul Rooted in response to what I continuously saw in my practice working with women; a deep disconnect from their bodies, their wombs and cycles as well as a deep Soul hunger resulting in anxiety, depression, fatigue, mood swings, fear of their emotions, lack of energy, a loss of sense of self and hormone-related ailments/dis-ease.

A complete disembodiment and Soul loss.


Through my own healing journey and working with these beautiful
women, I saw what was needed and the missing piece to women’s

health and wellness:


 a deep intimate connection to the feminine innate in her female

body and soul, her womb and cyclical nature.


So, I went on a journey to discover the ways of the feminine expressed
in Jungian psychology, mythology, and in the wisdom of the cycles rooted in the

female body and soul, the earth, and the moon!


My journey led me to the teachings of Reiki (which is yin/feminine in
nature) feminine psychology, astrology, mythology, flower essence therapy,
women’s yoga and dance medicine, shamanism, womb healing,

women’s mysteries, and drum birthing!


I now weave together these teachings to support women in

honoring and integrating feminine wisdom for deep healing

and personal well-being.

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My mission is to support women in healing the wounded feminine,
connect deeply to their cyclical nature and deep wise wisdom so they
may feel safe in their female body and Soul’s authentic expression
feeling truly liberated and sovereign in her own Authority.


Jill is a...

  • Shamanic Reiki Drum and Flower Essence Practitioner


  • Women’s Mysteries and Cyclical Wisdom Educator


  • Rites of Passage and Drum Birth Facilitator


  • Certified Women’s Yoga and Embodied Dance Teacher


  • Intuitive Astrologer


  • Holistic Wellness Consultant

Red Gerbera

She is...

passionate about women’s health, healing, and transformation by
reclaiming the innate knowledge inherent in the female body and Soul
and remembering the power of Womanhood by restoring the feminine
for the wellbeing of women and the earth.


She weaves together the
medicine of Reiki and Reiki Drum,

Flower Essence therapy, astrology,
feminine mythology, drum birthing

and the wisdom of the cycles into a
distinctive holistic approach for body, Soul, heart, and mind wellness.


She holds a sacred, safe and compassionate space for your journey of healing, transformation and rewilding of women’s sacred nature.


B.S. Human Nutrition and Food Science ~ Clinical Dietetics 
Certified Reiki Master and Reiki Drum Practitioner
Flower Essence Practitioner with education from the School of Women’s Mysteries and

in current certification studies with Delta Gardens 
Certified Expressive Yoga and Dance Teacher with Jada Fire Kalika
Certified Women’s Yoga Teacher with Sara Avant Stover 
Certified Embodied Dance Teacher with Allison Pagano 
10+ years of Astrology Training and Study

Apprenticeship with Jane Hardwicke Collings with School of Shamanic Womancraft 
Drum Birth Facilitator 
Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine Training and Studies 
Currently in Master’s Study Program Contemporary Menstrual Studieswith Lara Owen

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